Monday 17 October 2011

Free App for iPhone - Whats Free

When you search the AppStore to download apps for your iPhone, you can notice the presence of several millions of apps in it. Anyone will prefer free apps to the paid ones as it will become too expensive to download paid apps. Moreover, no one will say no to the free apps as they can save more money by downloading them. In order to save your valuable time and money, an application developer has come with this new app that is available for free.
The Whats Free is a free app for iPhone and it displays all the free apps that are present in the AppStore. If you want to download free apps for your iPhone, you need not visit iTunes from now on as the Whats Free app will list them all for you. You can search for the required app and then download it directly from this app. This app gets automatic hourly updates that helps it update itself with the latest free apps and the paid apps that are made free by the developers.
Whats Free helps you save your time by eliminating the need to browse through the AppStore for free apps and get confused with number of apps in it. It might take a long time for you to figure out the free apps at first and then imagine about browsing through them and downloading selected ones. You can browse through the apps in terms of the genres, the most downloaded and more. There are several useful options in this app right at the bottom of the screen and they are discussed below.
As the app opens, you can find the free apps grouped according to their category like Productivity, Navigation, Travel, Games, Business, Entertainment, Sports and many more. You can find five options at the bottom of the screen that assist you in searching and downloading the free apps easily. The Featured option will list all the free apps that are popular among the users, in simple words the featured apps. The Home page displays several categories and the apps are grouped under the respec6tive category as mentioned above.
If you want to load your iPhone with the free apps that are downloaded the most, then all you have to do is to tap on the TopFreeApps option and then start browsing for the desired app. The app automatically updates the download count and brings the most downloaded app to the first position. You can also search for any app that you want by typing the name of the app or the name of the developer.
The most interesting feature of this free app is the Wishlist, which is some kind of a shopping cart. In case you find some interesting app and feel like downloading it later you can very well add it to your wishlist and then download it at your convenience. You can press and hold on the app to add it to your wishlist and then tap on that option at the bottom of the screen and then download the app. You can also delete the app in the wishlist whenever you want.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Symbian mobile operating system is platform exclusively designed for the smart phones and Nokia retains this platform. It is similar to the desktop OS with multi-tasking, multithreading and memory protection. The operating system reached higher levels with the release of newer versions to keep itself in a growing pace. Recently, the company has launched a new version namely, Symbian^3.
The Software Development Kit (SDK) of this OS provides the developers with a platform that is rich with customized mobile based applications, client or server applications, e-commerce, communications and security applications, development of software for multimedia and games, applications for messaging, Bluetooth and data transfer. This platform is an advanced and open operating system which has received accreditation from most of the major smart phone manufacturers.
The OS has occupied a noticeable place in India and there is no doubt about this. It is a strong leader in the world of mobile operating systems with a share of about 72% in India. Currently, it has dropped by 3% in the market share in the country leaving way for the other operating systems. When speaking from a global front, the OS is still in the first place with 32% market share but still it is not the dominant one.
As mentioned above, in India, Symbian has started to decline in its market share due to the rise of the other operating systems. Nokia was offering this operating system for its handsets and now it has planned to drift to Windows mobile platform from the former. The mobile company has intentions to sell about 150 million smart phones across the globe and then gradually transit to Windows. This transfer to Windows by Nokia is sure to loosen the grip on the OS.
Nowadays, there are various useful operating systems in the market for smart phones. Let us take a well-balanced and detailed look on the necessity to change from Symbian. The common statements made by the users of this platform are that there are problems related to its interface. The OS however has a pure list of features which maintains it as the leader in the market. The users also claim that the handsets with this platform show better battery life than the ones with the others.
Developing  applications for this platform is too painful as opposed to the other platforms. Apparently, this software does not have the support for kinetic scrolling, standard widgets and a library for icons. Subsequently, the developed will opt for other platforms than Symbian without any doubt. Also the updates with the platform are very few in contrast with the others in the market.
The users who prefer more customization, widgets, faster browsing, multiple home screen options and a huge list of applications will have to drift away from the Symbian operating system to the rest like iOS, Android and more. The former does not support installation of virtual keyboards such as Swype. Above all, users who plan to take up smart phones manufactured by some others than Nokia will have to move from this OS as it does not show best performance with other handsets. 

What is current apps consumer rate and how long it will take to increase in consumers in Italy and other countries like them?

There are several types of mobile phones these days ranging from music and entertainment centric phones to business phones. The smart phones are quite recent and they serve different purposes. These hi-tech gadgets are found to survive for a longer time in the market. The demands of the consumers are increasing and this has eventually led to these advanced and highly featured devices.
These devices play highly important roles in the lives of the users as they have started storing personal information and critical documents in them. With this fact in mind, the manufacturers of these devices have developed a huge list of apps for these devices. There are many applications that we cannot mention all of them but let us take a look at some of them and their importance as well. Below are the must have applications to enjoy a complete smart phone experience.
An anti-virus app is mandatory for these devices to safeguard them from viruses and spam. This has become very famous among the consumers of such intelligent devices as it can prevent the devices from spyware, malware and other harmful content. The second in the list is an app to track the device and this is especially for those users who tend to lose their belongings very often. This is also for those users who always go around as it will update their whereabouts to their loved ones. This is possible with the help of the service provider and GPS receiver.
The third one, office documents serves the main purpose of these phones by converting it to a virtual office. These apps help in the creation, editing and download of the office documents and it supports a wide array of file formats. It can stream as well as download the audio and video files wirelessly using the Wi-Fi, 3G and Internet. The mobile browsers make these phones complete and they are also called mini-browsers. This app displays the web content in an efficient way and takes the internet experience of the users to great heights.
The customer ratings on the apps can increase by several ways and they are as follows. Applying viral hooks will lead to an increase in the rate of sharing among the users. Also, inclusion of links to share the apps on social websites like Twitter is a good option. The best way to increase the ratings of customers is to listen to their comments and opinions and rectifying them. Forums shall be used to collect feedback from the consumers and these can also be used to fix the bugs in the apps.
The release of an application requires by regular and useful updates to keep its rating high as these updates will increase its excellence. The higher the rating is the more exposure it gets and the more users will opt for it. The overall summary to increase the ratings is to offer a good product, be responsive for their opinion, fix the issues immediately and then ask for their ratings. 

Smart Phones

The smart phones are totally changing the way we see and use the technology that is present today. Any technology is fundamentally different when it goes mobile. They have invaded so much into the lifestyle of the users that it has spliced itself into the personal lives than any other device. For this reason, these devices have gained the largest leap in the personal technology after the hit of the home PC.
The functions that are available in Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones are present in these devices. They have become famous these days as they integrate several networking techniques like Bluetooth, GSM and WLAN (IEEE 802.11). The smart phones and its services are dependent on the demand and the developers have focused more on the features and less on the security.
Consequently, they are facing lot of issues related to security that arise due to various wireless technologies in a single gadget. Some of the security issues are due to their complex software needs and these issues are specific to the devices. The analysis of the vulnerability in the software components that are present in them is intricate and it requires some custom approaches.
During the tax time of the year or on holidays, the user may want to have a look at the bills. This criterion was highly impossible before but now with these advanced gadgets this has become very easy. They enable the users to use their financial data without the need to worry about the giant folders that contain tons of data. Now it is as simple as logging in to an application and staying connected to it.
It is a well-known fact that it is insecure to conduct business using the public Wi-Fi connections. It is quite easy for the hackers to gain access to the others computers in Wi-Fi connections. They can even get access to the information available on the others computers. These phones are in no way different from the computers as they are also insecure when used with Wi-Fi connections.
A report states that the internet security software that is a part of most of these hi-tech gadgets today is not updated. The software is not capable to face the challenges as the hackers of today can get access to the messaging applications in the handset including the email of the users. As it has become too easy to manage the everyday banking with the latest smart phone applications there are more chances for the hackers to peep into the details of others.
Users have to take care and avoid hackers from gaining access to their personal information. Whenever there is an advantage due to the rise of some technology, there is also some bad thing accompanying it. It is very useful to store personal information on their phones but at the same time it is dangerous when it comes to security issues. Hence it is better to use smart phones for banking and financial purposes only in secure environments.